

Category : Dynamics 365

How to use Solutions with Power Pages

What is Solution in power Pages? A solution is a container for components such as Website Configuration and Dataverse Components. Website Configuration includes all settings and configurations for the Power Pages site, such as page layouts, templates, themes, and other design elements. Dataverse Components contain tables, forms, views, and business…

Create a Dataverse table with a SharePoint List

In today’s business world, Organization uses SharePoint lists for document management, and data storage. Let's assume a scenario where an organization uses SharePoint list to track projects and store documents. They also rely on Dynamics 365 CRM to manage customer relationships. By linking SharePoint lists with CRM, project managers at Organization…

Revolutionizing Build Warranty's Operations with a Scalable and Automated Dynamics 365 Solution

Customer Overview Build Warranty (BW), a leading UK-based provider of warranty solutions for the construction industry, sought a strategic partner to overhaul its IT systems. Their self-designed Dynamics 365 setup was plagued with incorrect configurations, hampering scalability and operational efficiency. They required a robust, automated system to streamline both internal…

How to Integrate Third-Party Libraries into Dataverse Plugins

Introduction  Integrating third-party libraries into Dataverse plugins used to be difficult and often required unsupported methods like ILMerge. Now, with Plugin Packages, you can easily add any libraries available on NuGet directly into your Dataverse plugins. In this blog, we will see how we can add external library Newtonsoft.Json in…

How to configure and use Model Driven app in offline mode

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to configure the offline capability of a model-driven app. Before starting our blog, here are the prerequisites for enabling mobile offline. An environment maker, system administrator, or system customizer role is needed to configure offline mode for model-driven apps.  Users with the…

Formula column in Dataverse

What is  Formula Column? Formula columns support Power Fx, a low-code language that is very flexible. It uses an Excel-like syntax, making it accessible to users with basic Excel knowledge. Power Fx can handle complex operations and logic, and it can also be used to calculate data. Which Datatypes are supported…

Virtual Entities: The Key to Connecting SharePoint Data with Dynamics 365 CRM

In today’s business landscape, seamless data integration across platforms is crucial for efficiency and productivity. Many organizations use SharePoint for document management and data storage, while Dynamics 365 CRM is widely used for managing customer relationships. This post explores how to make data stored in SharePoint lists available to Dynamics…

Restoring Deleted Records in Dataverse Tables

In this blog post, I will be discussing how we can restore the deleted records from any table in Dataverse. Introduction: At some point of time, we all have deleted important records by mistake from Dataverse tables and wished to restore it back. Now restoring those deleted records is possible…

Associated Grid Control Component in Dataverse

The Associated Grid Control enables us to improve the simplicity and readability of forms by displaying related record details across up to 4 subgrids. This functionality is accessible for all tables. How to configure the Associated Grid Control : 1. In the form designer, choose the Associated Grid Control from…

Unleashing Business Potential: How CRM Software Drives ROI and Fuels Growth

Unleashing Business Potential: How CRM Software Drives ROI and Fuels Growth In today's competitive business landscape, maximizing return on investment (ROI) and fostering growth are top priorities for organizations of all sizes. One powerful tool that has emerged as a catalyst for achieving these objectives is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)…

Sales accelerator in D365 Sales

Introduction: In this blog we will see how Sales accelerator works and also how 'My work list' displays the work items. When the Dynamics 365 Sales Hub application is opened, by default it will open the Sales accelerator. In your environment, if you do not have any work items i.e., activities which…

How to use aggregate in FetchXml

In this blog, we will learn how to use aggregate in FetchXml. Available Aggregate Count CountColumn Avg Sum Min  Max   1. Count It aggregates data based on specified conditions and returns a numerical value representing the count of records meeting those conditions. Output: 2. CountColumn This attribute helps group data…

Email Storage Made Easy: Dynamics 365 Storage Saving Tips

Email Storage Made Easy: Dynamics 365 Storage Saving Tips Introduction Microsoft's latest feature allows you to migrate email descriptions from CRM to Azure Blob Storage, reducing database storage pressure. By default, emails older than 12 months are migrated, but here's the kicker - you can now decide which emails get moved!…

How to enable the enhanced email template editor in Dynamics 365?

How to enable the enhanced email template editor in Dynamics 365? To activate the Enhanced Email Template editor for your App/Environment, follow these steps: Begin by creating a new solution or opening an existing one. Then, navigate to "Add existing" and select "Setting."   Within the settings, find and enable…

Troubleshooting Convert Rules Import Issue: Entity 'workflow' with ID Does Not Exist error in D365

Troubleshooting Convert Rules Import Issue: Entity 'workflow' with ID Does Not Exist error in D365 Problem Statement We implemented D365 Customer Service for one of our clients which heavily relied on Automatic Record Creation (ARC) rules. So, there were enhancements to ARC from time to time to cater to the client’s…

How to use operators like, not-like, on, in, not-in, on-or-before, and on-or-after in FetchXml using WebAPI

In this blog, we will learn how to use operators like, not-like, on, in, not-in, on-or-before, and on-or-after in Web API. What is “like” operator? The like operator in FetchXML is used for performing partial string matching in a query. It allows you to filter records based on a specific…

Optimizing Storage with SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject Cleanup

What is SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject? The "SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject" table is linked to the "DeletionService," which handles two types of cleanup: organization-wide and record-specific. For the latter, when records are initially deleted from entity tables, they are also added to the "dbo.SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject " table. This table supplies the DeletionService with ObjectIDs of removed items…

How to create real-time customer journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Introduction: This blog will show how to create real-time customer journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing. Customer journeys can be either trigger-based or segment-based. Before creating customer journeys, if you want to create a trigger-based customer journey then you need to create a trigger that will be used in the trigger-based…

Streamlining solution deployment in Power Platform/Dynamics 365 CRM using Package Deployer Tool

Gone are the days of manually importing solutions one by one into the Dataverse environment. Package Deployer lets administrators deploy packages on Microsoft Dataverse instances. A Package Deployer package can consist of any or all of the following: One or more Dataverse solution files. Flat files or exported configuration data…

Troubleshooting Storage Capacity: Why Sales Insights Disabling Doesn't Free Up Space

Increase in storage space due to Sales Insights. We had installed Sales Insights just for demo purposes, and we observed that our storage capacity got increased because of that. However, even after uninstalling Sales Insights, our storage capacity remained unchanged. We also had difficulties locating and uninstalling the related solution.…

WhatsApp Integration with Non-Twilio Number in D365 CE – Part-1

Introduction: WhatsApp with Non-Twilio Number in D365 CE is a method of integrating WhatsApp with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (D365 CE) using phone numbers that are not associated with the Twilio platform. This integration allows businesses to leverage the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages directly from…

With Windows Copilot, every Windows user can be a power user.

The team and I are pumped to be back at Build with the developer community this year. Over the last year, Windows has continued to see incredible growth fueled by Windows 11 adoption. In fact, one of the most exciting areas driving that growth for Windows has been developers themselves, with a…

Creating a Power Automate(MS Flow) to Save Email Attachments to a SharePoint

Introduction: – Creating a MS Flow to Save Email Attachments to a SharePoint Library Use Case: In this use case, an automated flow monitors the Outlook inbox for incoming emails with a specific subject line and email address. When such an email arrives, the flow automatically extracts and saves the…

Creating a Popup Dialog Window with Custom HTML Form in Dynamics 365 using Xrm.Navigation

In Dynamics 365, Xrm.Navigation (Client API reference) is used to provide navigation-related methods while writing custom scripts. One of the methods called “navigateTo” is used to navigate to the specified table list, table record, HTML web resource, or custom page. More information on the Microsoft Documentation. Syntax Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo(pageInput,navigationOptions).then(successCallback,errorCallback); In…

How to read users added in an Access team for a single record?

How to read users added in an Access team for a single record? Introduction In this blog, I am going to explain how to retrieve users added in an access team for a single record easily. Most of you know that an Access team owns no records and has no…

How to use FetchXml with link-entity in WebAPI D365 CE

What is Link-Entity 1. To combine data from different records in your query you need to use the <link-entity> element. 2. Each <link-entity> needs 3 key pieces of information:</link-entity></link-entity> 2.a. The entity types to link to 2.b. The attribute in the main entity to join from 2.c. The attribute in…

Install Viva Sales for Outlook and D365 CE

Introduction: In this blog, we will configure Viva Sales with Outlook and D365 CE. Prerequisites-                                                                      …

Create surveys using Customer Voice

Dynamics 365 Customer voice helps us to capture, analyze and act on customer and employee feedback. Dynamics 365 Customer voice surveys contains several types of questions: choice, date, Likert, ranking, rating, text, and Net Promoter Score (NPS). In our blog we will explain how to create and send survey invites…

Customize a Gallery Control and Show/Hide Forms based on Selection.

Introduction: In this Blog, we will learn how to use Gallery Control and Form Control along with useful functions. Here we are using Gallery Control to show Contacts that exist in Dataverse and Form is used to Show Relative Details of the selected Contact in Gallery. 1. Open, select…

How In-App Notifications in D365 CE Can Revolutionize Your Workday

In-app notifications provide real-time updates within the D365 platform, keeping you informed about important events and changes as they happen. Whether it’s a new case assigned to you, a customer inquiry that needs a response, or a critical deadline approaching, in-app notifications ensure that you’re always in the loop. Today,…

Batch Request to Create, Update and Delete records in Dynamics 365 CE

Batch Request allows us to make multiple API calls within a single API call.  We’re limited to 1000 API calls in a single batch request. The HTTP method only supports POST, PATCH & DELETE in Batch Request. In this Blog, We’re calling 3 API calls in a single Batch Request.…

Configure live chat with Power Virtual Agent in D365 Customer Service.

Introduction: In this blog post, we will be exploring the process of setting up live chat and chatbot. We will begin by covering the fundamentals and then move on to all the necessary steps required to configure it successfully. So, let’s get started! Licenses required: Purchase licenses from Microsoft 365…

How to manage Projects using Viva Goals

Introduction :- Viva Goals is a new addition to the Viva Suite for setting and managing business objectives, and Microsoft Life Goals aims to provide ‘the missing link between employee experience and business results’ by setting clear and consistent business goals. What is Microsoft Viva Goals? Microsoft’s Viva platform incorporates…

Serialization/Deserialization of JSON objects using Newtonsoft.Json in C#

Serialization/Deserialization of JSON objects using Newtonsoft.Json in C# JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are…

Create A Login Page, Validate Login and Send Email using Cloud Flows in Canvas App

Create A Login Page, Validate Login and Send Email using Cloud Flows in Canvas App In this Blog, we will learn how to create A Login Page and Validate Login using Credentials (for example if a user is one of the contacts in the Contact Table in Dataverse, he will…

Create invoice and fulfil order button not visible on sales order D365 CE.

Introduction: This issue occurs when the sales order is integrated with the third-party application. when the Back office processing integration is enabled then create invoice and fulfill order button will not be visible and the new submit button will be visible Resolution: Go to App settings -> Overview -> Back…

Create Live-Chat Channel in trial subscription D365 CE

Create Live-Chat Channel in trial subscription D365 CE Introduction: In this blog, will see how to create a Live-Chat Channel in Customer Service with trial subscription. There are different Channels available for Customer Service which are listed below   Chat Chat is an engagement channel that enables your agents to…

FetchXML vs XML

FetchXML vs XML Introduction If you’re new to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and come across FetchXML, you might assume it’s simply a way to fetch data in an XML document. However, that’s not quite how it works. While XML is typically used for storing and transporting data, in Dynamics 365, “XML”…

How to call Cloud Flow from JavaScript.

Introduction: -In this blog we are going to see how to call cloud flow from JavaScript.  Use Case-: On clicking the ‘Call Flow’ button, we update the name field of the Accounts table in the dataverse. Steps: –  Creating a button in the Model-driven app:- You can check out the…

Automatic Record Creation in Dynamics 365 when an email is received.

Summary : In this blog we will discuss how to create case in Dynamics 365 automatically when an email is received using Automatic record creation and update rules(ARC) in Dynamics Customer Service Hub. Step 1: Go to and sign-in. Select your environment and then select “Apps” from left-hand pane…

Convert HTML Description into Plain Text of Email Message Record

Convert HTML Description into Plain Text of Email Message Record Introduction: In this blog, we will see how we can extract the plain text from email message record in Dataverse. As we know, when we create email record with description then the description content will be stored in the form…

How to retrieve data from an sub-grid using JavaScript in D365 CE?

Introduction In this blog, we will discuss how we can fetch data directly from sub-grid without using FetchXML in JavaScript. It is always easy to fetch the data from the fields on form but what about fetching the data from the sub-grid added on the forms? Here is how we…

Newly introduced client script methods for D365 CE

This blog will talk about the new client script methods that can enhance UI/UX experience. addOption This method adds an option to your choice/choices control. formContext.getControl(arg).addOption(option, index); Example removeOption  Removes an option from a choice/choices control. formContext.getControl(arg).removeOption(value); Example clearOptions  Clears all options from a choice/choices control. formContext.getControl(arg).clearOptions(); Example setFocus  Sets…

How to lock fields on editable grid in D365 CE?

Introduction: Recently I got a situation where I need to lock the fields in editable grid. I tried to find the solution on internet. I found a suggestion as to use business rule having scope to “Entity”. But it did not worked as it was locking the fields on forms…

PCF Tips & Tricks: Tips to minimize the size of your PCF components.

PCF Tips & Tricks: Tips to minimize the size of your PCF components. Introduction Recently we were working on a PCF control using Fluent UI, everything was fine at the development stage, but when we tried to import it into CRM it says its too heavy.   Solution Tip 1…

How to create columns of different data types using Plugin

How to create columns of different data types using Plugin? Introduction In this blog, we will learn how to create text and integer type of fields using plugin. We all know how we can create fields using entity customizations but not many of us know to do that using code.…

How to show or hide ribbon buttons using Power Fx formula?

How to show or hide ribbon buttons using Power Fx formula? Introduction I recently found out that we can add or edit ribbon buttons/command bar in PowerApps itself. Add Ribbon Buttons and Edit Command Bar within Power Apps – Dynamics 365 <iframe class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="HPQ4nI2OxE" frameborder="0" height="338" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" sandbox="allow-scripts" scrolling="no"…

Set up a Postman Environment and Application User for Dynamics 365 CE

Set up a Postman Environment and Application User for Dynamics 365 CE This blog explains how to set up postman environment to query D365 CE data and how to create application user. Create Azure App Create new App Registration in Azure, under Azure Active Directory. Click on New Registration to register…

[SOLVED] System. Exception: You cannot start a transaction with a different isolation level than is already set on the current transaction.

[SOLVED] System.Exception: You cannot start a transaction with a different isolation level than is already set on the current transaction. Introduction I faced an error while publishing customisation of an entity using plugin which is “System.Exception: You cannot start a transaction with a different isolation level than is already set…

Add Ribbon Buttons and Edit Command Bar within Power Apps – Dynamics 365

Add Ribbon Buttons and Edit Command Bar within Power Apps – Dynamics 365 Dynamics 365 Wave 2 has introduced an advanced and time saving feature to Add Ribbon Buttons within Power Apps. Now it will take less time for Ribbon Button Customizations. Adding Ribbon Buttons using Ribbon Workbench is very…

Enhanced email (pop-up) experience available from the timeline.

Enhanced email (pop-up) experience available from the timeline. Introduction Previously, when we wanted to compose or update an email from the timeline, the form would open in a new window. And, even for attachments, we can’t preview them, we have to download them to view them. Which was not a…

How to run bulk duplicate detection job?

How to run bulk duplicate detection job? Introduction To maintain the integrity of data, we should have rules in place to reduce duplicate records in the system. If we have duplicate detection rule, then system will automatically notify us about possible duplicate record when we create or update a record.…

How to Retrieve Entity Main Form Details using JavaScript

How to Retrieve Entity Main Form Details using JavaScript In this blog, we will see how we can retrieve the details about “Entity Main” Form. Details such as No of attributes present on Form. Section Tabs Id We can use below method to retrieve details about entity main form. Xrm.Utility.getEntityDefaultMainFormDescriptor(entityName,…

Quick Tip – Restrict Customer Lookup to show only account or contact

Quick Tip – Restrict Customer Lookup to show only account or contact In this blog we will see how we can restrict the customer lookup type field to show only account or contact without using “addPreSearch” method. To restrict the customer lookup, we can use below method. For more info:…

Search within current view in Dataverse

Search within current view in Dataverse Introduction: New feature is added to dynamics 365 which allows you to search for a record in the current view only. In this blog, I am going to explain how to limit the search to the current view only. Step-by-Step: Go to Settings ->…

Schedule Flows in Power Automate

Schedule Flows in Power Automate Introduction In this blog, we are going to learn how to create a Scheduled flow using Power Automate. Scheduled flows are a great way of automating certain processes required to be performed at certain intervals. Example  Suppose we want to qualify all the open leads…

Create Notes with Attachment using Web API in Dynamics 365

Create Notes with Attachment using Web API in Dynamics 365 Create Notes record with Attachment for Contact Entity var note = {}; note.subject = "Notes Subject"; note.notetext = "Notes Text"; note.filename = "FileName.txt"; note.documentbody = "Base64String"; note["objectid_contact@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(00000000-0000-0000-000000000000)"; Xrm.WebApi.createRecord("annotation", note).then( function success(result) { alert("Success"); }, function(error) { alert(error.message); });…

How to set a Scheduled Flow to run on specific dates of a month

How to set a Scheduled Flow to run on specific dates of a month? Introduction In this blog, we are going to learn how to set a scheduled flow to run on specific dates of a month. We all know that a scheduled flow can be set to run based…

How to show icons on Dynamics 365 Table View

How to show icons on Dynamics 365 Table View Introduction : This blogs will guide us on how to show icons on the view for the selected Table. Step 1: Open Power Apps and click on Solutions. After selecting the solution, click on Add existing and select Table to show…

How to Trigger Plugin when Opportunity is won?

How to Trigger Plugin when Opportunity is won? Introduction Recently, we had a requirement to update a field on opportunity record whenever an opportunity was closed as won. My first thought was that it was pretty straightforward and registered the plugin using this step: Message – Update Primary Entity –…

How to change the default font style and font size of columns in Dynamics 365 CE

How to change the default font style and font size of columns in Dynamics 365 CE Introduction: In this blog, we will discuss how to change the font style and font size in Dynamics 365 CE. Step 1: Go to Sales Hub App in Dynamics 365 and click on “Settings”…

How to make a Detail List scrollable?

How to make a DetailList scrollable? Introduction Recently, we created a DetailList type of PCF control to display some data. As this list was going to display hundreds of records, we couldn’t scroll through them as there was no scroller present. Solution After a bit of research we found that…

Create Parent – Child Record in Single D365 Web API Request

POST request is used to create a record, So we’ll use POST request to create Parent – Child record. Select the POST request, Set the Dynamics API URL and entity set name in the header. 1.1 Create a Contact Entity Record with New Parent Account Record To create Parent Account…

How to Export data from Dynamics 365

How to Export data from Dynamics 365 INTRODUCTION: In this blog we will see how to handle different scenarios for exporting data from Dynamics 365. EXPORTING DATA FROM DYNAMICS 365: Dynamics 365 will allow us to export data using multiple ways. We will now discuss how to export data from…

How to Import data into Dynamics 365

How to Import data into Dynamics 365 Introduction: In this blog we will discuss how to import data using different file types. Dynamics 365 will allow us to import data using different file types. Now we will see how to import data using each file type. IMPORTING DATA TO DYNAMICS…

How to hide the ribbon bar and OOB controls in Dynamics 365?

How to hide the ribbon bar and OOB controls in Dynamics 365? Introduction Recently, we were a creating a dataset type PCF control to display data. But there were many other controls on the page such as command bar, view selector, quick find and group by, which were unnecessary. So…

Use postman to Create record in Dynamics with the Web API

Use postman to Create record in Dynamics with the Web API POST request is used to send data to create a record. Select the POST request, Set the Dynamics API URL and entity set name in the header. How to get API URL : Advance Settings >> Customizations >> Developer…

How to open panel on click of record of basic list in PCF?

How to open panel on click of record of basic list in PCF? Introduction In this blog, I am going to show you how to open a panel when a hyperlink is clicked using PCF control. Solution I have created a sample detail list that has some data which is…

Quick Tip – How to Check the PCF Control in Dynamics 365 Environment

Quick Tip – How to Check the PCF Control in Dynamics 365 Environment Introduction As we know PCF control allows us to develop the reusable component that can be used in Model Driven or Canvas Apps. The PCF control can be imported in CRM as managed or Unmanaged Solution. So,…

How to open lookup control on click of custom button?

How to open lookup control on click of custom button? Introduction In this blog, we are going to see how we can open a lookup control with the click of a custom button. Example We are going to add a custom button named “Open Lookup Control” on the Account entity…

How to prevent multiple users from modifying the same record at the same time programmatically?

How to prevent multiple users from modifying the same record at the same time programmatically? Introduction As we know, Dynamics CRM is used by multiple users. So the possibility of modifying the same record at a time is very high. This can result into inconsistent data. Solution We can avoid…

How to convert SSRS report in word format using JavaScript?

How to convert SSRS report in word format using JavaScript? Introduction In this blog, I am going to explain how we can export SSRS reports as Word Document. To know how we can execute SSRS reports, you can refer below blog: Solution To get SSRS report in word format,…

Environment Variable in CDS

Environment Variable in CDS Introduction In this blog, we will see the behavior of Environment Variable in CDS environment. There are scenarios where we need some set of configurable values in our CDS instance. Such as Product Key, Endpoint URL etc. With the extended capability of PowerApps, now we have…

File Data Type of CDS with Power Automate

File Data Type of CDS with Power Automate Introduction In this blog, we are going to see the details about the new addon added by the Microsoft in CDS. During fields creation on CDS entities. We saw the below types: So, in this blog we have explored the use of…

How to add or remove user from Access team template programmatically

How to add or remove user from Access team template programmatically Introduction In Dynamics 365 Business Applications, the access team is used to share the records with other users with different level of access rights like Read, Write, Delete etc. In this blog, we are going to see how we…

How to include custom CSS File in React PCF Control?

How to include custom CSS File in React PCF Control? Introduction In the previous blog, we have seen the how-to setup the react in PCF control. Now, in this blog, we will see how we can configure custom “.CSS” file in React PCF Control Project. Problem If we directly add…

QuickBooks: Generate Access Token using refresh Token

QuickBooks: Generate Access Token using refresh Token Introduction In this blog, we are going to see the way to generate Quick Books access token using refresh token. To generate access token, we need to have the below Quick Books values: Refresh Token – As per the Quick Book documentation this…

Power BI July 2020 Update – Gradient Legend

Power BI July 2020 Update – Gradient Legend Introduction Sometimes, when you conditionally format data colors on a visual it can be hard for report viewers to know on what basis the data is formatted. With July 2020 update, you can now include a legend for data colors that have…

Run as Option in Power Automate

Run as Option in Power Automate Introduction In this blog, we are going to explorer the “Run As” option of power automate as highlighted below: This option allows to execute the Power Automate under the Selected option of “Run as” property. Run as Option Details Below are the details about…

How to migrate Closed (Won or Lost) Opportunities?

How to migrate Closed (Won or Lost) Opportunities? Introduction In this blog I have explained how to migrate historical Closed (Won or Lost) Opportunities. Solution We will use comma separated (CSV) file as import file. Here are some important things you need to consider: Get your import file ready: Make…

How to change view of subgrid conditionally using JavaScript?

How to change view of subgrid conditionally using JavaScript? Introduction Recently, we got a situation where we must show different fields on sub grid on a condition. We cannot hide or show fields on sub grid, but we can change view of sub grid. In this blog, I have explained…

Troubleshoot Forms in a Model Driven App

Troubleshoot Forms in a Model Driven App Introduction There is a new feature added to Model-driven apps that can be used for troubleshooting issues you encounter when working with related tables, entities, controls and components on a form. There are many scenarios that you may encounter where access to the…

How to open forms as popup dialog in D365?

How to open forms as popup dialog in D365? Introduction Sometimes, clients want to edit or create new record without living current page. To create new record, we can use Quick Create form. But when we open existing record, then it will leave current page and opens a form page.…

How to change main form of an entity conditionally using JavaScript?

How to change main form of an entity conditionally using JavaScript? Introduction Sometimes we need to hide or show some fields on the form according to a field value or a condition. We can do it using business rule. but when we want to hide or show large number of…

Use BlobURL instead of DataURL

Use BlobURL instead of DataURL Introduction In this blog, I have explained How to Use BlobURl to preview file or download file. Problem Statement In the browser, on web page, when we need to preview or download file then, we deal with file as dataURl which consist the content-type followed…

How To Add Dynamics Record/View From Microsoft Teams

How To Add Dynamics Record/View From Microsoft Teams Introduction In the previous blog we saw how to integrate Dynamics 365 with Microsoft Teams and add Records/Views from Dynamics to Teams which was a part of Enhanced Microsoft Teams Integration. In this blog, we will see step by step process on…

How To Integrate Dynamics 365 With Microsoft Teams

How To Integrate Dynamics 365 With Microsoft Teams Introduction: In this blog we will see step by step process on how to Integrate Dynamics 365 with Microsoft Teams and we will also go through how to setup and see your Records/Views on any Teams channel. Records/Views can be added to…

Row Reorder by Drag and move rows in DataTable plug-in.

Row Reorder by Drag and move rows in DataTable plug-in. Introduction In my last blog I explain how to display a grid using DataTable plugin. In this blog I’m going to explain how we can add feature of Row-Reorder in DataTable. Row Reorder adds the ability for rows in a…

Gmail Integration with Dynamics 365

Gmail Integration with Dynamics 365 Configuring Gmail for the Integration Firstly, we will have to look at taking a look at our settings in Gmail to permit external access to the mailbox using POP3 protocol. From, navigate to Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP Select Enable POP for mail that…

Call Unbound Action from Type Script with Input and Output parameter

Call Unbound Action from Type Script with Input and Output parameter Introduction To build custom PCF control we use React JS or Typescript. Sometimes we need to call an unbound action from PCF control where we don’t specify an entity. We also call these action as Global Action. In this…

How to add custom HTML web resource on a form and use DataTable plug-in to display a grid?

How to add custom HTML web resource on a form and use DataTable plug-in to display a grid? Introduction In this blog I have explained How to add custom HTML web resource on any dynamic 365 form to display data in a grid. To display data in grid format I…

Why new, edit, delete buttons of some OOB entities are not shown in Unified Client Interface?

Why new, edit, delete buttons of some OOB entities are not shown in Unified Client Interface? Introduction Recently, many customers started using Unified Client Interface and asked me about few basic questions like, they are not able to add new product, or add new Email. These inquiries were asked mostly…

Tips & Tricks – Update entity’s display name everywhere

Tips & Tricks – Update entity’s display name everywhere Introduction This is the shortest blog I have ever written so far. One of my clients asked to rename OOB Case entity to Ticket and all the references where Case was mentioned should be replaced by Ticket. Ordinary Solution Typically, all…

Part 2: Use Microsoft Flow to move Notes attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint

Part 2: Use Microsoft Flow to move Notes attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Introduction This is second part of blog, which I published few days back. Second part explains how we can use SharePoint integration to create folder structure and move the attachments to SharePoint using MS Flow. Note:I…

Use Microsoft Flow to move Notes attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint

Use Microsoft Flow to move Notes attachments from Dynamics 365 to SharePoint Introduction In this blog I have explained how Microsoft Flow helps in moving attachments from Notes to SharePoint without any coding. I have explained the steps with the help of use case scenario. This topic is divided into…

Identify field level permissions for specific user/team

Identify field level permissions for specific user/team Introduction                 Nowadays, developers frequently write JavaScript code on entity forms to read/modify field values. But, in some scenarios, our JavaScript code may not receive the expected value from the field (even though the value is present in the field). The possible reason…

Programmatically authenticate multi-factor enabled Dynamics 365 CRM environment

Programmatically authenticate multi-factor enabled Dynamics 365 CRM environment Introduction I observed that, recently Ṁour clients are focusing more towards security aspect and hence the typical first thing they do is enabling multi-factor authentication. Now from developer’s perspective, there is no issue in accessing CRM through User Interface, because developers can…

You cannot delete this component while the following components depend on it.

You cannot delete this component while the following components depend on it. Introduction In Dynamics 365, to delete any component, you must remove/delete all the dependencies of the component which you want to delete. For e.g. If you want to delete custom entity called Configuration, you will need to delete/remove…

2019 release wave 2 – Add product lines without Price List

2019 release wave 2 – Add product lines without Price List Introduction Setting up product catalog has always been time consuming tasks for business owners. To add product to appear selection for salespeople in line item entries, it WAS mandatory to add it as Price List Item. With 2019 release…

Solved – Error in connecting CRM instance from SDK Tools

Solved – Error in connecting CRM instance from SDK Tools   Introduction Have you encountered below error? Solution You must have visited multiple community blogs, and community answers and yet some solutions worked, some solutions didn’t work and frankly, I still don’t know the root cause of this issue. But…