
Knowledge Center

08 Aug, 2020

Troubleshoot Forms in a Model Driven App

Posted on 08 Aug, 2020 by Admin, Posted in Dynamics 365

Troubleshoot Forms in a Model Driven App Blogs

Troubleshoot Forms in a Model Driven App


  • There is a new feature added to Model-driven apps that can be used for troubleshooting issues you encounter when working with related tables, entities, controls and components on a form.
  • There are many scenarios that you may encounter where access to the information provided in the tool will help you better understand why a form is behaving in a certain way.


There are 2 ways in which we can enable the Monitor option for troubleshooting forms:

Approach 1

Select the Model-driven app from your Power Apps and select Monitor in the command bar.

Approach 2

  1. Log into your Dynamics or Model Driven app and add &monitor=true at the end of your URL. This will add an icon onto the app header toolbar.
  2. Click on the icon to open a new tab to the Power Apps portal.
  3. Select the option to “Play model-driven-app”. This will start a new session for your application and display a dialog. Click on the “Join” from the dialog and this will launch your app that is now being monitored.
  4. It will open up the app connected to the Monitor session.
  5. To test the scenario you want, just run through the steps, for example if you want to understand why an option is not showing in a related menu, select a record like “Accounts”, open any account form and select any related menu option that is listed in the drop down menu.
  6. Once you complete the steps, click on the tab that has the monitoring tool running and use the Category filter to just show forms related issues.
  7. To view the information, select the Operation labeled “RelatedMenu” when you click on that a panel will open on the right.
  8. Make sure you are on the “Details” tab in the panel and click on the “+” line that says “data”, in the screen shot below it would be line #5. It will expand to include detailed information on the Related items tab including why a record/entity is or is not showing in the list.


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