
Knowledge Center

09 May, 2023

Retrieving and Removing Option Set/Multi-Select Option Set Values in D365 CE with Web API

Posted on 09 May, 2023 by Admin, Posted in Dynamics-365 Sales Dynamics 365 Web Api

Retrieving and Removing Option Set/Multi-Select Option Set Values in D365 CE with Web API Blogs

This blog post will provide instructions on retrieving or removing the metadata of an Option Set or Multi-Select Option Set using the Web API.

1.1 Get Option Set/Multi-Select Option Set metadata from Web API
In MSCRM, the String Map table can be utilized to retrieve details regarding option sets. This table is primarily utilized to store information related to option set fields that exist within the organization. It contains all pertinent data regarding the option set, such as the attribute name, option set name, option value, option name, and object type code.

Consider the following example where we will retrieve the metadata of the ‘industrycode‘ attribute from the ‘account‘ table.

Get Request :$select=value,attributevalue,displayorder&$filter=objecttypecode eq 'account' and attributename eq 'industrycode'&$orderby=displayorder asc&$count=true

1.2 Remove OptionSet Name from Option Set/Multi-Select Option Set metadata using Web API
Here, we will remove the option name ‘Accounting‘ from the ‘industrycode‘ attribute on the ‘account‘ table.

Get Request :


This is a Required Field


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