
Knowledge Center

14 Mar, 2022

Create Parent – Child Record in Single D365 Web API Request

Posted on 14 Mar, 2022 by Admin, Posted in Dynamics 365 Dynamics 365 Web Api Dynamics-365 Sales

Create Parent – Child Record in Single D365 Web API Request Blogs

POST request is used to create a record, So we’ll use POST request to create Parent – Child record. Select the POST request, Set the Dynamics API URL and entity set name in the header.

1.1 Create a Contact Entity Record with New Parent Account Record

To create Parent Account Record, Use Relationship’s Referencing Entity Navigation Property Name.

How to get Relationship’s Referencing Entity Navigation Property Name :

  • Use “Metadata Browser” from XRM Toolbox.
  • Search for Entity and choose Relationship Type. ( for which you want to create parent child record)
  • Select field’s Relationship and double click on it.
  • Get Relationship’s Referencing Entity Navigation Property Name.

Create Parent – Child Record in Single D365 Web API Request

Create Parent – Child Record in Single D365 Web API Request

Request Body Data:




    // Creating Parent Account 

    // Use Relationship's Referencing Entity Navigation Property Name









Now navigate to Headers tab and click on Bulk Edit and add below Key-Value (Details of the headers can be referenced from the reference link at the end of blog):

Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8

Now click on Send Request and Select the JSON object in the response because we have selected  JSON type object in the request body.

This POST request will create record in Contact Entity with status “201 Created” in the response body.

1.2 Create a Contact Entity Record with New Child Opportunity Records

To create Child Opportunity Record, Use Relationship’s Referenced Entity Navigation Property Name.

How to get Relationship’s Referenced Entity Navigation Property Name :

  • Use “Metadata Browser” from XRM Toolbox.
  • Search for Entity and choose Relationship Type. ( for which you want to create parent child record)
  • Select field’s Relationship and double click on it.
  • Get Relationship’s Referenced Entity Navigation Property Name.

Request Body Data:




    // Creating Child Account 

    // Use Relationship's Referenced Entity Navigation Property Name



        "name":"D365 Opportunity",






        "name":"D365 License Renewal",








Now click on Send Request and Select the JSON object in the response because we have selected  JSON type object in the request body.

This POST request will create record for Contact with Child Opportunity Record and status as “201 Created” in the response body. The mechanism of authentication and authorization for D365 Web API is explained in detail in the below links.

Happy D365ing.

Reference Links: 

Tutorial: Register an app with Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Dataverse for Apps) – Power Apps

Create Application User In Dynamics CRM

Compose HTTP requests and handle errors (Microsoft Dataverse for Apps) – Power Apps


This is a Required Field


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